Saturday, December 10, 2011

I told you I can't stop talking, right?

I have just reviewed my indie publishing history, and so far here is the progress.

My first novel North Rim Delight went live on 5/13.

My first dog book Loving the Sensitive Dog (as Linda White) went live on 6/12.

In July, I published North Rim Delight through CreateSpace for paper copies and with an incognito cover.

I published the novella sequel to North Rim Delight (Woof in the Wedding Plans) on 8/29.

My collection of short stories (soft SF and quiet horror) Trickster and Other Stories went live on 9/21.

I spent October learning how to guest blog and working on my next novel.

November was spent editing Sir Darby, my second dog book. It is about to go live on Amazon. I just uploaded it, so it may take a day or two.

Overall, I am pleased with my productivity for the first seven months. I believe my sales numbers have suffered a bit because I write all over the genres. But I promised Buster and Darby they would each get a book, and now I have kept that promise. I am plunging full steam into my fiction again.

There are many bloggers who share wildly successful sales numbers with you, and I am very happy for them. The numbers that excite me are new readers. So when I say that so far I have sold 640 books, my happy dance is for the readers I have reached.

I hope you will soon be readers of mine.

Meanwhile, let me know what you think of my choice of blog design. I love the roses, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I've changed my settings to allow anonymous posters, but it hasn't shown up in my comment box yet. See? I told you there would be much to learn. LOL!
