Christmas was lovely but busy. I am excited to share that I reached the 700 sales mark today with my ebooks. And I am trying to decide what sorts of things to talk about here.
A friend reminded me that I talk about my dogs all the time, so I think that is a given.
Buster the Wonder Dog is ready for training classes to begin again. He is most in need of something to do. He is a very busy little dog. I can hear him in the other room right now, getting into mischief.
Yes, he had climbed up on his trick chair (a baby-sized folding camp chair we use for tricks performances) to reach the top of a table where he knocked over a framed photo and a clock in order to reach a CD case. He thinks they are dog toys.
Surely it's nearly bedtime for Buster! His antics and his story inspired me to write Loving the Sensitive Dog which is available for Kindle and Nook. (Linda White is the name I use for my dog books.) Yes, I think my friend is right. I'll certainly be writing about dogs!
Fulfilling my life's great passions -- writing and loving dogs. Never abandon your dreams.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sir Darby's book is live!
At last! The tiniest papillon in the house can stop nipping at my heels. I have fulfilled my promise and he has his own book. Sir Darby: Another Sensitive Dog is live on Amazon and B&N.
I thank Sandra Edwards for the lovely design. The photo was the result of me lying on the floor for an hour, waiting for Darby to get used to the sight and sound of the camera so I might photograph him at the perfect moment. Yes, those ears are real. They are not photoshopped. This is the face that convinces complete strangers that they need a papillon in their lives.
As for me, I am very fortunate to have two papillons in my life. I still can't figure out how two dogs can be the same breed and even share a breeding history (they are cousins), yet be so totally different from one another. I guess it's a lot like kids. Two kids can have the same parents and still turn out like night and day.
Darby is my little Mr. Independent at home. But whenever we are out in public, he wants Mama to pick him up and cuddle him. At home, I'm lucky if he listens to single command. Oh, sorry, Darby. I meant "request." In dog class, he can't wait to show off his skills. In the performance ring, he gets stage fright. Never a dull moment.
Despite all the classes and training and dog shows, our favorite moments together happen at bed time. Darby is my cuddle bunny. He sleeps on the bed, snuggled against me. Darby, the tiniest guard dog ever, watches over me while I sleep.
What wonderful things do your dogs do for you?

I thank Sandra Edwards for the lovely design. The photo was the result of me lying on the floor for an hour, waiting for Darby to get used to the sight and sound of the camera so I might photograph him at the perfect moment. Yes, those ears are real. They are not photoshopped. This is the face that convinces complete strangers that they need a papillon in their lives.
As for me, I am very fortunate to have two papillons in my life. I still can't figure out how two dogs can be the same breed and even share a breeding history (they are cousins), yet be so totally different from one another. I guess it's a lot like kids. Two kids can have the same parents and still turn out like night and day.
Darby is my little Mr. Independent at home. But whenever we are out in public, he wants Mama to pick him up and cuddle him. At home, I'm lucky if he listens to single command. Oh, sorry, Darby. I meant "request." In dog class, he can't wait to show off his skills. In the performance ring, he gets stage fright. Never a dull moment.
Despite all the classes and training and dog shows, our favorite moments together happen at bed time. Darby is my cuddle bunny. He sleeps on the bed, snuggled against me. Darby, the tiniest guard dog ever, watches over me while I sleep.
What wonderful things do your dogs do for you?
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I told you I can't stop talking, right?
I have just reviewed my indie publishing history, and so far here is the progress.
My first novel North Rim Delight went live on 5/13.
My first dog book Loving the Sensitive Dog (as Linda White) went live on 6/12.
In July, I published North Rim Delight through CreateSpace for paper copies and with an incognito cover.
I published the novella sequel to North Rim Delight (Woof in the Wedding Plans) on 8/29.
My collection of short stories (soft SF and quiet horror) Trickster and Other Stories went live on 9/21.
I spent October learning how to guest blog and working on my next novel.
November was spent editing Sir Darby, my second dog book. It is about to go live on Amazon. I just uploaded it, so it may take a day or two.
Overall, I am pleased with my productivity for the first seven months. I believe my sales numbers have suffered a bit because I write all over the genres. But I promised Buster and Darby they would each get a book, and now I have kept that promise. I am plunging full steam into my fiction again.
There are many bloggers who share wildly successful sales numbers with you, and I am very happy for them. The numbers that excite me are new readers. So when I say that so far I have sold 640 books, my happy dance is for the readers I have reached.
I hope you will soon be readers of mine.
Meanwhile, let me know what you think of my choice of blog design. I love the roses, don't you?
My first novel North Rim Delight went live on 5/13.
My first dog book Loving the Sensitive Dog (as Linda White) went live on 6/12.
In July, I published North Rim Delight through CreateSpace for paper copies and with an incognito cover.
I published the novella sequel to North Rim Delight (Woof in the Wedding Plans) on 8/29.
My collection of short stories (soft SF and quiet horror) Trickster and Other Stories went live on 9/21.
I spent October learning how to guest blog and working on my next novel.
November was spent editing Sir Darby, my second dog book. It is about to go live on Amazon. I just uploaded it, so it may take a day or two.
Overall, I am pleased with my productivity for the first seven months. I believe my sales numbers have suffered a bit because I write all over the genres. But I promised Buster and Darby they would each get a book, and now I have kept that promise. I am plunging full steam into my fiction again.
There are many bloggers who share wildly successful sales numbers with you, and I am very happy for them. The numbers that excite me are new readers. So when I say that so far I have sold 640 books, my happy dance is for the readers I have reached.
I hope you will soon be readers of mine.
Meanwhile, let me know what you think of my choice of blog design. I love the roses, don't you?
At last! I have a blog. Did you turn blue holding your breath?
While I was building up my nerve, I did guest blogs. In fact, I'm doing one on Sunday, December 11 2011 at so drop by and say hi!
Let's have fun! Those who know me can tell you two things right away. I talk a lot. A lot. And I laugh a lot. Almost as much as I talk. Now that I have finally taken the blog plunge, and my fingers will be doing the talking through the keyboard, I hope you will never be bored.
I want to blog about my dogs, my books, and my favorite authors. I want to invite some of them to talk to you as well.
I write romance, mysteries, adventure, and soft science fiction. Some is published, some is not.
I am an indie publisher, sharing my stories with the world on Amazon and B&N, so far.
If you want to see what a great blog looks like, have patience. I'm still learning. But like the first seven months of this indie journey, the learning has been one of the greatest rewards.
I welcome questions, and I'll probably ask a ton of them myself. For now, I'll just say, happy holidays! See you soon.
(While I was writing this, Buster the papillon has succeeded in climbing onto the kitchen bar four times. I finally figured out how he was doing it and changed the landscape. Let's see how long it takes him to find a new route!)
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